Tuesday, 9 December 2008

First of all - Khalid, if you're reading this then I do apologize - we had to scrap your textures as they were somewhat stretched, and unnamed, and I felt like it'd be easier to do them again than to fix them. This isn't a personal dig at you, and you know I think you're amazingly talented, but I understand you just didn't have the time to do this.

Sarah, this is building no.1, 6 to go, I'll probably won't upload them here now as I don't have the time, but just to give you a feeling of the style I'm going for, in case you'd want me to change anything.
I've worked a good few hours on cleaning things up, combining and renaming (it has no effect on the look of the model, but it just makes things easier to texture), so I'm hoping the actual texturing will take me shorter.

Going to be a long night, good luck to us all.


Dan Grigsby said...

Some good work so far Yaniv. My offer of helping you out with these tomorrow is still there, but I can tell you're getting along with it quite fine. I don't mean to be picky bastard, but could you desaturate the main building texture, so that it is consistent with the rest of the scene. Im sorry we have to scrap the toon shader, but we don't have any other choice where rendering is concerned. Good luck with the work and do text/email me if you have any problems with texturing etc..

Sarah said...

yep yep all is looking well....im hoping the cracks in the building will show more wen the lightings done as its a shame there sort of lost at the moment....this is certainly bcos its a print screen....the occlusion will also bring out the detail methinks. its looking great though, just keep up the excellent work.

Yaniv said...

Thanks Dan, I might just take you up on that offer, depending on how far I get tonight.
Sarah, yeah, I'll have a look at the details (such as cracks) once all of them are done, but by way of prioritizing I want them to look well generally before going into the smaller details. I'll have a look if the cracks are more visible when rendering

Matt said...

Yup some really nice work here Yaniv, long as the rest of the buildings look like that then we're golden. Good luck.

Yaniv said...

Hey sarah, I'm adding darker textures to the cracks to make them visible

Sarah said...

very cool...look forward to seeing the result