So here's what we have so far (in no particular order)...
- Spider emerging out of the shadows from underneath a car (red eye visible through darkness)
- INTERACTION SHOT - spider rolling can
- INTERACTION SHOT - spiders crawling out and knocking bin over (need to consider angle for what and how much rubbish falls out
- Low angle shot looking up at the buildings destroyed (could cut to spiders looking up)
- Overhead (though not actually directly overhead, point of interest in buildings) with spiders walking past/up road (building sign swinging?)
- Spider crawling over rubble, slips/loses footing and knocks further rubble over OR spider walking over drain and slips down gap (not falls through though) have them picking themselves back up.
- INTERACTION SHOT - spiders touching/scanning lamppost causing its lights to flicker/go on...possible electrocution?
- C/U of a spider as the other spider crawls towards it
When shots are finalised the list will be updated, possible camera shots/pre-vis blocking/drawings added too if time permits.
1 comment:
It's good to see these up here, think it'll help big time now we've got a (kinda) clearer idea of the story
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